Get Involved. Fundraising on Your Menu.

Inviting your guests and customers to make a small donation to Hospitality Action as part of your billing process is an easy and effective way to support your industry charity. It enables them to say ‘thank you’ for an enjoyable meal, drink or hotel stay by contributing to the only charity dedicated to keeping hospitality people happy and healthy. Our experience is that they’ll be only too happy to donate - and they’ll leave feeling more engaged with your business.

As well as helping Hospitality Action, by setting up a guest fundraising scheme you’ll be helping your team and your business. Fundraising for us is a great way to introduce the charity’s work to team members, and raising awareness of how we can help them, if they hit a bump in the road. It can also help start positive conversations about mental health and workplace wellbeing.

How does it work?

There are lots of ways to set up guest fundraising. You can add a discretionary amount to a bill, or to a specific dish or cocktail – this is by far the most popular fundraising tool adopted by our supporters. You can ask hotel guests to make a modest donation in return for a free upgrade. Or you can ask for a donation when guests collect their coats from the cloakroom. You can even invite guests to round up their bills to the nearest pound, using a Hospitality Action partner service called Pennies.

Whichever route you choose, it’s simple to do – and we’ll support you every step of the way. Suggested donations are added to bills as a discretionary item, just like a service charge. In the rare event that a guest doesn’t want to give, the amount is simply removed from the bill. We’ll provide cards explaining to guests what Hospitality Action is, and how their money will be spent helping people in need. And we’ll provide a range of easy options for transferring donations to us.

“We add a voluntary £1.25 on to every bill a guest pays, which goes straight to Hospitality Action and our second nominated charity. We have raised over £100,000 since we implemented the scheme in October 2018. Staff are aware of the service offered by Hospitality Action. We have flyers on our noticeboards. We include the monthly donations on our newsletters, which shows the employees of the good that comes from all their hard work.”

Sinead Mallozzi, CEO, sketch


D&D added a discretionary £1 to diner’s bills between January – March and raised £37,000. Sophie Stamford, D&D London says:

“After the challenges the hospitality industry has faced in recent years we wanted to do our bit to support those affected and felt that working with Hospitality Action would be a great way to do this. Hospitality is a fantastic sector to work in and offers so many positive opportunities but it can also be very demanding at times. We know that the money raised will be put to the best possible use and we want to thank our customers for their generosity.”


Caravan also added an optional £1 to diner’s bills for the month and raised £5,610. Laura Harper-Hinton, Co-Founder & CEO says:

“We’re so delighted to continue our support for Hospitality Action, it’ an essential charity, doing critical work and an ever important time. As a food and drink business, we are proud to be able to give back to our wonderful community.”

“Adding a discretionary £1 to the bill is a simple and effective way to support our industry charity, Hospitality Action. It was easy to initiate, and we are proud of our customers for their generosity. The campaign has been in place for a year and we have so far raised £5,430. There’s no risk to your business, and I’d encourage others to do the same if you can.”

Stefano Frigerio, Co-founder and Director, Champagne & Fromage

How do I get involved?

Contact the Fundraising team with details of your restaurant, logo and how much you’d like to add to each bill (in total or per cover) and we’ll produce appropriate collateral. We’ll also promote your participation on our social media channels and on our regular fundraising emails.