Blog. Spotlight on: Tomás Maunier

June 19, 2024 | Author: Giuliana Vittiglio

We are profoundly grateful to the many individuals and organisations who champion our cause with such passion and devotion. Today, we are honoured to highlight Tomás Maunier, Managing Director and Co-Founder of Fazenda, whose unwavering dedication to HA has transformed the lives of many.

Why do you support Hospitality Action?

We support Hospitality Action because we deeply value the industry as a whole and the dedicated individuals who work tirelessly to make others happy. Because that's what hospitality is. It's about a feeling - and people don't forget how you make them feel.

Our commitment goes beyond business; it’s about caring for the people who make our industry simply vibrant. Hospitality Action provides critical assistance to these individuals, offering support precisely when it’s needed most. Their work aligns with our values, and we feel proud to contribute to an organisation that uplifts our community in meaningful ways.

How have you supported Hospitality Action?

Over the years, our commitment to Hospitality Action has been multifaceted. We've organised and participated in many fundraising events such as Social Sunday, donating both time and money to support their initiatives. Our team has actively engaged in spreading the word about Hospitality Action's mission, raising awareness within the industry. By fostering a culture of support and advocacy, we want to be able make a tangible difference in the lives of those who are the backbone of hospitality.

What do you think are some of the best features of our Employee Assistance Programme?

The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) shines brightest during moments of need. Our team members have found immense value in the programme, particularly its legal and tax advice services, and very importantly, mental health support. These resources provide crucial help and peace of mind during challenging times. The EAP is a testament to Hospitality Action’s commitment to holistic support, ensuring people in our industry have the help they need, when they need it most.

Would you encourage others to fundraise for Hospitality Action?

Absolutely, we wholeheartedly encourage others to fundraise for Hospitality Action. It’s high time the public recognises and appreciates the true value of those in the hospitality industry—the unsung heroes who bring joy and comfort to our lives. By supporting Hospitality Action, we can collectively ensure people receive the recognition they deserve, reinforcing the well-being and sustainability of our industry.



What do you have planned for the future?

This year, we’re excited to participate in the Walk for Wellbeing to raise funds for Hospitality Action. It’s a fantastic opportunity for our team to enjoy the outdoors while contributing to a worthy cause. Through this initiative, we aim to raise both money and awareness. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Hospitality Action and finding new ways to advocate for people in our industry.

Heartfelt thanks to Tomás and the entire team at Fazenda for their dedicated support. If your place of work can do the same, please get in touch.