Advice hub. Online Financial Wellbeing Training.

The cost-of-living crisis was one of the biggest drivers of calls to our helplines in 2022.
Poor financial wellbeing often leads to poor mental health, as the worry of not being able to provide today combined with the anxiety of not being able to afford the next bill tomorrow eats away at our mental resilience.
The day to day fight for financial survival makes preparing for big life events even more difficult leading people to feel trapped and low.
Our online financial wellbeing training programmes have been honed over recent years and are up-to-date with all the latest information.
All of our training is designed with hospitality people in mind and is delivered by financial experts.
Our courses are flexible and can be tailored to your needs. You can mix and match from the topics below.
Content is delivered by webinar and sessions are usually 60-90 minutes long. We can tailer content to team members, managers or senior directors.
Topics Covered.
Sessions typically last for 60-90 minutes and you can build a bespoke session by combining the topics below.
- Budgeting, debt and money management – 20 minutes
- Building a financial plan – 10
- ESG investment – 60
- Financial fitness challenge – 60
- Financial protection- 30
- Graduates (Inc. student finance)- 60
- Housing ladder & property- 30
- Legacy – Wills & estate planning – 30
- Saving & investment – 30
- Scams & Fraud – 20
- Sustainable Finances – 60
- Tax, NI and company benefits 20
- Women at work – 60
How to book a session.
We'd love to discuss your wellbeing strategy and training objectives complete the form below and we'll be in touch.