Blog. Walk for Calm 2021
August 10, 2021 | Author: Kirsty Lyons
This September, you are invited to Walk for Calm, to promote better mental health and raise funds for Hospitality Action and CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably). Last year, individuals and teams took part across the UK and raised an incredible £17,000. And we're hoping to smash that this year! Will you join us?
Back for a second year, the event is powered by mum, in partnership with, UKHospitality, Umbrella Training, The Caterer, Institute of Hospitality, Tonic Talent, Lexington Catering, AA Media, EXP101, Sixty-Eight People, HIT Scotland, HRinHospitality, Arena, Hoteliers’ Charter, Catering Scotland and Off to Work.
Walk for Calm is all about taking simple steps to promote wellbeing, get out in the fresh air, move your body and take time to think, exercise, reflect and energise.
And it is about fun and flexibility too. You can take part any time and anywhere between Friday 10th September and Sunday 26th September. All ages and abilities are welcome – just choose your distance (10km, 20km. 30km or 40km) and then walk, run, wheel, skate or even pogo jump your way through!
You can Walk for Calm on your own or with family, friends and colleagues in your local area if that suits you best. Alternatively, if you would prefer to join an organised route with other walkers, there’ll be hosted walks taking place on Saturday 18th September in London, Brighton, Bristol, Cardiff, Birmingham, Manchester and Edinburgh. To find out more, visit or email organiser Craig Prentice.
What’s more, 18th September is the new official National Hospitality Day - a nationwide celebration of your brilliant and resilient restaurants, hotels, pubs and bars. Show your support by dropping in to your favourite hospitality venues to celebrate with a well-deserved treat after clocking up your steps!
Craig Prentice, Founder of Walk for Calm, says “I’m excited to bring Walk for Calm back for a second year to promote better mental health across our industry, whilst highlighting and supporting the great work of Hospitality Action and CALM. There has never been a more important time for people to come together in a fun way to increase awareness of wellbeing and positive mental health.”
Ready to get involved?
Find out more and sign up here: The first 100 registered fundraisers will also receive free Walk for Calm branded t-shirts, but you’ve got to be quick!